This thangka represents 'Rigdzin Tsasum', the three enlightened roots i.e. Guru-Deva-Dakini for Guru Chokyi Dorje (an emanation of Mahaguru Padmasambhava) at the centre, Tshelha Yab-Yum (left) and Dorje Phagmo (right) respectively. The Dharmakaya Samantabhadra (Kuntu Zangpo) sits at the crown of Guru Chokyi Dorje at the top.
The unparalleled Guru-Deva-Dakini is surrounded by the Mahakala Yeshe Goenpo and four protectors called the Dragpo Dhue-jhi i.e. Srinpo Lanka-Dengchu, Lu-Dhue Moenpa-Nagpo, Mamo Trak-rel Nagmo and Damchen Dorje Legpa, and a retinue of Sikkimese guardian deities including Thanglha, Dzonga, Pau Hung-hri, Yabdhue, Rong-Tsen, and Pemachen Kyi Tso-mein (Lake Khachoepalri). The thangka also houses the Naljor Choe-Jhi (the four Mahasiddha beings) namely Gyalwa Lhatsun Chenpo Namkha Jigme, Kathog Rigdzin Chenpo, Ngadak Sempa Chenpo and Denjong Chogyal Pintso Namgyal.
Rigdzin Tsasum is an offering to the most sacred Rigdzin Sogdrub text which was revealed by none other than the pioneer Lama Gyalwa Lhatsun Chenpo Namkha Jigme. Rigdzin Sogdrub meaning 'accomplishment of the wisdom and perfect physical state of the enlightened one' is an intricate rendition to Sikkim as the most sacred Beyul Demojong while the same forms one of the most essential parts of rituals in all the Sikkimese Monasteries and as an annual offering and invocation at private houses, a unique aspect of Sikkimese Tantra Buddhism.
Rigdzin Sogdrub (rig 'dzin srog sgrub) is a cycle of more than 800 pages in five volumes. A Terma (hidden treasure), these teachings were received by Terton Lhatsun Namkha Jigme (1597 - 1653) in a vision while in retreat at Lhari Rinchen Nyingphug, a cave near Tashiding in West Sikkim.
Rigdzin Sogdrub is a collection of core teachings of the Southern Treasure Text Lineage (lho gter) of the Dzogchen Tradition popular in Sikkim. The fifth volume is the famous Neysol (gnas gsol = 'Worship of the Place') often referred to in connection with the religious history of Sikkim. Another widely known part is the practise of Riwo Sangcho (ri bo bsang mchod = 'Mountain Smoke Offering').
Famed as the opener of the hidden land of Sikkim (sbas yul 'bras mo ljongs = 'Hidden Valley of Rice'), Lhatsun Namkha Jigme is regarded to be a reembodiment of both the Dzogchen masters Vimalamitra (8th century) and Longchenpa (14th century).
The first folio (front side and back side) of Rigdzin Sogdrub
Resource: Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche - Comments on Lhatsun Namkha Jigme
Recording by Noa Jones, Tashiding, January 2011, mp4, 7'29", 88 MB
Rigdzin Tsasum
Terton Lhatsun Namkha Jigme